The second IPCC report will be handed down on Friday.
Perhaps the first step scientists need to take toward action on climate change is to stop releasing their findings on Fridays. Don't they know that's the worst time in the news cycle for optimum coverage?
While scientists struggle with PR, the Conservatives seem to know how to play the numbers in their strategy. They are unveiling new initiatives and strategies in advent to what some say is an imminent election. And they have the money to spend.
They're also rolling out new campaign tactics, answering the Liberals, who have resorted to attacks on YouTube, in a surprisingly clever way. (who knew Conservatives had a sense of humour?)
Are things looking up for the Tories even though they're ignoring the environment?
Climate change is still in the headlines and the weather around the country is wacky, with temperatures in Ontario fluctuating from 20 above to two below Celsius. And in Vancouver, the Weather Network calls for rain for the next week and a half (Oh sorry, that's normal in Vancouver).
Even General Electric is calling for harder emission caps targets. But the Tories have yet to release their promised carbon reduction plan.
Despite the wacky weather and lack of a plan, the Conservatives are well poised in the election environment. A recent Angus Reid poll put them at 39 per cent and the Liberals at only 22 per cent.
One solution for those who are still waiting for the climate situation to change is to sign the online petition to allow Elizabeth May, the Green Party leader, into the Federal election debates next time around.