Sunday, April 8, 2007

A dire warning

Basically, we're doomed, and in more extreme ways than we thought, according to the IPCC's most recent climate change report released on Friday (Good Friday- a holiday).

The world faces increased hunger and water shortage that will causes the sea level to rise and flood Richmond and other low-lying areas of Canada and the world.

But the forecasts released to the public are only a fraction of the findings presented to the scientists and government officials who drafted the report, the most comprehensive and clear account of the effects of climate change to date.

The Agreement came after an all-night session during which key sections were deleted from the draft and scientists angrily confronted government negotiators who they feared were watering down their findings.

Watered down or not, the stark realities of climate change have now made it a moral, not just a political issue, according to Greenpeace. The group says we owe it to future generations to deal with climate change now.

In light of this report, and the fact that Ontario is facing a white Easter weekend, climate change is remaining a salient issue on potential voters' minds. Hopefully these phenomena will increase public pressure on the Harper government to enact climate change legislation.

1 comment:

JJB said...

Do you know where I can buy any carbon credits?